1. Which one of the following types of food is produced directly by photosynthesis?
    1. Vitamin
    2. Protein
    3. Fat
    4. Glucose

  2. 'Bleeding of gums' is caused due to lack of
    1. Vitamin-B
    2. Vitamin-A
    3. Vitamin-C

  3. 'Goitre' is caused due to lack of
    1. iodine
    2. water
    3. white corpuscles

  4. 'Rickets' is caused due to lack of
    1. Vitamin-B
    2. Vitamin-A
    3. Vitamin-D

  5. 'Meningitis' affects
    1. eyes
    2. skin
    3. brain

  6. 'Diphtheria' affects
    1. lungs
    2. throat
    3. ears

  7. 'Malaria' is caused by
    1. rats
    2. flies
    3. anopheles mosquitoes

  8. 'Arthritis' is a disease of the inflammation of
    1. brains
    2. lungs
    3. joints

  9. 'Astigmatism' is a disease which affects
    1. ears
    2. legs
    3. eyes

  10. B.C.G vaccine is normally used to prevent
    1. rabies
    2. cancer
    3. tuberculosis