1. 'Trachoma' is a disease of
    1. legs
    2. ears
    3. eyes

  2. Vitamin A is richly found in
    1. apple
    2. lemon
    3. milk

  3. Vitamin-B is richly found in
    1. cereals
    2. milk
    3. apple

  4. Vitamin-C is richly found in
    1. milk
    2. apple
    3. lemon

  5. The chinese practice of cursing a diseases by needle is called
    1. neotherapy
    2. thrombosis
    3. acupuncture

  6. Green plants store food in
    1. roots
    2. leaves
    3. stems

  7. The lightest substance is
    1. helium
    2. Oxygen
    3. Hydrogen

  8. The metal whose salts are sensitive to light is
    1. zinc
    2. copper
    3. Silver

  9. Starch is digested by
    1. blood
    2. hormones
    3. ptyalin

  10. When iron rusts, its weights
    1. decreases
    2. remains name
    3. increases