1. Rainfall of more than 30 cm per month for at least three consecutive months is suitable for the cultivation of 
    1. Ground.nut 
    2. Sun hemp 
    3.  Paddy
    4. Sugarcane

  2. Mechanical measures of soil conservation include (i)  Contour bunding, (ii)  Bench terracing, (iii)  Check dams, (iv)  Percolation ponds
    1.  (i), (ii), (iv)
    2.  (i), (iii), (iv)
    3.  All the four
    4. (i), (ii), (iii)

  3. An electrical conductivity of less than one millimhos per cm indicates that the soil condition for plant growth is 
    1. Normal
    2. Injurious
    3. Above normal 
    4. Critical

  4. Causes of soil salinity: (i)  The soluble salts are leached from high-lying to low-lying areas due to high rainfall. / (ii)  Irrigation of ~;oils with saline water.
    1.  (i) is correct
    2.  (ii) is correct
    3.  Both are not correct
    4. Both are correct 

  5. Acid soils are characterized by a pH of
    1.  > 8
    2.  7 to 8 
    3.  8 to 10
    4. < 6 

  6. A mixture of dark coloured organic material of indefinite composition extracted f. 1 soil with dilute alkali and precipitated by acidification is known as 
    1. Yermicompost
    2. Humic acid
    3. Compost
    4. Farm yard manure 

  7. Which of the follO\vmg  soil test parameters would give the best indicauon of general fertility?
    1. Potassium
    2. Phosphorous 
    3. Organic matter 
    4. Sulphur

  8. Weather forecasts for a period of one week is grouped under 
    1. Short range forecasts
    2. Quick forecasts
    3.  Long range forecasts 
    4. Medium range forecasts 

  9. \Which of the following is a multipurpose tree species? 
    1.  Albizia amara
    2.  Albizia lebbeck
    3. All of these 
    4.  Azadirachta indica

  10. Alley cropping is known as
    1.  Silvi-pastural system
    2.  Ley system
    3.  Food-cum-fruit system
    4. Hedgerow inter cropping