1. Chemical used in cloud seeding/artificial rainfall is 
    1.  Sodium chloride 
    2.  Calcium chloride 
    3. Silver chloride
    4.  Potassium iodide 

  2. The formula to convert centigrade into Fahrenheit is
    1.  • F = ·c x 9/5 - 32
    2.  • F = (" C + 32) x 5/9
    3.  • F = ("C- 32) x 5/9
    4.  • F =· e x 9/5 + 32

  3. Lysimeter - A device used to measure 
    1. Evapotranspiration
    2.  Depth of water
    3.  Rate of fl.ow of water 
    4.  Water temperature

  4. Climatological information of particular area helps to
    1. Develop irrigation design
    2. Extract ground water 
    3. Develop irrigation need
    4. All the above

  5. Tamilnadu, the contribution of rainfall by the north east monsoon is
    1. 22%
    2. 66%
    3. 78%
    4. 48%

  6. The length of crop growing season (days) in Cauvery delta zone of Tamilnadu is
    1. 250-270 days
    2. 100-120 days 
    3. 165-180 days 
    4. 100-140 days 

  7. How many Agro climatic zones are in Tamilnadu? 
    1. Five
    2. Eight 
    3. Seven
    4. Nine

  8. Growing two or more crops in the same field simultaneous in definite proportion 
    1. Companion cropping
    2. Sequential cropping
    3. Mixed cropping
    4. Inter cropping

  9. The name of the rice growmg season between the months of may to  September in Tamilnadu is known as
    1. Kuruvai 
    2.  Kar 
    3.  Swarnavari 
    4.  Samba 

  10. It is a well accepted conservation measure in controlling run-off and soil erosion and thereby maintaining fertility of soil
    1. Contour farming
    2. Mixed cropping 
    3. Inter cropping
    4. Strip cropping