AE6302 Elements of Aeronautics
Second year, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL Questions
PART- A [20 Marks]
1.      What is wing loading?
2.      Define stalling angle of attack?
3.      Name 3 primary and 3 secondary control surfaces?
4.      Differenciate between AOA and Angle of incidence?
5.      List out factors affecting lift?
6.      List out classification of flight vehicles?
7.      Differentiate between centre of pressure and center of gravity?
8.      Define Mach no and Aspect ratio?
9.      Give 3 types of aerofoil?
10.  Explain the forces acting on an airplane?
PART B (15×1=15 Marks)
11.    Describe the basic structure of atmospheric with neat sketch. Markpressure, and temperature?
PART C(13× 5=65 Marks)
12.  a)   How liftis produced? Draw liftsvs AOA for cambered   aerofoil?
b)   Draw CL/CDvs AOA and explain also mark most efficient AOA

13.  a)   Calculate the pressure ,temp, density at 11Km altitude , if pressure , temp and density at ground are 1 bar, 288K,and density 1.225 kg/
b)  Explain following term,
                                                                              i.            Thickness ratio
                                                                            ii.            Span and semi span
                                                                          iii.            Bernaullis principle
                                                                          iv.            Different types of aerofoil

14.  a)  Explain in detail troposphere and stratosphere and give temp variation formula for each layer?
b)  Sketch an airplane and mark all elements and explain?

15.  a)  Explain 4 digit and 5 digit NACA series aerofoil .Mark  the values of NACA 2618 and NACA 35125 
b)  Sketch an aerofoil and mark all its   nomenclature.Differentiate between cambered aerofoil   and symmetrical aerofoil

16.  a) Explain  the following  terms  
                                                   i.            Ornithopterand Amphibian.
                                                 ii.            What is empennage?
                                               iii.            Laminar and turbulent flow.

b) Explain various types of drag and draw CD vs AOA.