AE6502 Aircraft structures-II
Second year, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.

PART A – (10x2=10 marks)Answer all the Questions
1.      What is the difference between symmetric and unsymmetrical bending?
2.      In symmetric bending, the neutral axis passes through the centroid of the cross section. (True/False)
3.      What do you understand by unsymmetrical bending?
4.      Define principle axis and give an expression to determine it.
5.      Define neutral axis and give an expression to determine it.
6.      What is shear flow?
7.      Defineshear centre.
8.      Define elastic axis.
9.      Indicate the position of shear centre for thin walled section like channel section, angle section and zees section.
10.  Draw and mark shear centre or equal angle section and Z- section.

PART B – (40 marks) Answer all the Questions

1.      (a) Derive and obtain an expression for the bending stress in an unsymmetrical section subjected to bending using ‘neutral axis’ method.                                                                                            (16)
                  (b) Discuss in the generalized theory of pure bending. Derive and obtain an expression for the bending                   stress in an unsymmetrical section subjected o bending moments?                                              (16)