CE6452 Solid Mechanics
Second year, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL Questions          PART- A [10 Marks]
1.      State Hooke’s Law.
2.      Define Poisson’s Law.
3.      Define Strain.
4.      Define Stress.
5.      State the relation between Young’s Modulus and Modulus of Rigidity.
6.      Define Strain Energy
7.      What is resilience?
8.      What is a compound bar?
9.      Give relation between Bulk Modulus and Young’s Modulus.
10.   Define Bulk Modulus.
Answer ALL Questions        PART - B [80 Marks]
11. a)  i) (a). Derive an expression for the deformation of a body due to force (P) acting on it.           
      (b). State and derive Hooke’s Law.                                                                                      (13)
12. (a)   Explain
                              i.            Types of Stresses                                                                                                             
                            ii.            Types of Strains                                                                          
12.(b) Derive an expression for the relationship between Modulus of Elasticity (E) and  Modulus of Rigidity (G)  (13)
13.       Calculate the values of the stress and strain in portions AC and CB of the steel bar shown in figure. A close fix exists at both of the rigid supports at room temperature is raised by 75áµ’C. Take E=200 GPa and α=12x10-6/áµ’c  for steel . Area of cross section of AC is 400 mm2 and of BC is 800 mm2.                    
14.    Derive an expression for the relationship between Bulk Modulus (K) and  Young’s Modulus (E)         (13)
15. A member ABCD subjected to loading as shown in figure. Determine the total elongation.       E= 2*105 N/mm2.                                                                                                                       (13)
Description: sm 15.jpg                                                                                  PART - C [15 Marks]
16. A steel rod of 25 mm diameter is enclosed centrally in a copper hallow tube of external diameter 40 mm and internal diameter 30 mm. The composite bar is then subjected to an axial pull of 4500 N. If the length of each bar is equal to 130 mm, determine:
            (a) The stress in the rod and tube; (b) Load carried by each bar.
Take E (Steel) =2.1x105 N/mm2, Copper=1.1x105 N/mm2                                                                   (15)