CE6703 Water resources irrigation engineering, Final year, Department of Civil Engineering, First and second Units Questions
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1.      What is the need for Water Resources Survey?
2.      Why we need periodic survey of water resources?
3.      Mention few spatial data’s used for water resources survey?
4.      Define reservoir?
5.      What are the purposes of reservoir?
6.      How are reservoir classified based on the purpose?
7.      Define design flood?
8.      What are the most common tupes of flood walls?
9.      What are the methods to reduce the losses due to flood?
10.  Whatare the alternative types of flood walls?

PART B (5x16=80 Marks)

1.      What are the various purposes of reservoir?
2.      Explain the concept of water resources system planner?
3.      Explain the advantages and disadvantages of levees and flood walls?
4.      Explain the methods of determining the capacity of a reservoir?
5.      A reservoir has the following areas enclosed by contours at various elevations.Determine the capacity of the reservoir between elevations of 200 to 300.
Elevation                          200         220            240            260             280            300
Area of Contour(km2)      150         175            210            270             320            400

Use (a) Trapezoidal Formula (b) Prismoidal Formula.