GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
Third year, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
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PART A – (10 x 2 = 10 Marks)
1. Define ecosystem.
2. List any four characteristics of ecosystem.
3. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs?
4. Define ecological succession and biodiversity.
5. What do you know about food chain and food web?
6. What are the main objectives of environmental awareness?
7. List out the biotic and abiotic component of an ecosystem.
8. What do you mean by environmental impact?
9. What is the role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
10.Define sustainable development?
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PART - B [80Marks]
11. (i) Discuss the effect of modern agriculture.(8)
       (ii) Describe the consequence of over exploitation of mineral resources. (8)
12.  (i) Give an account of non-conventional energy resources.(8)
        (ii) Describe the consequence of over exploitation of water resources. (8)
13.  (i) With a neat diagram explain pond ecosystem.(8)
       (ii) Discuss in detail the threats to biodiversity. (8)
14. Write briefly on the hydrological cycle with neat sketch. (16)
15. What is an ecosystem? Describe the structure and function of an ecosystem. (16)