GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering, Second year, Department of Civil Engineering, First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10×2=20 marks)
1.      Define environmental science.
2.      Define eco systems
3.      Write the functions of ecosystems
4.      Write some example of producer, Consumer and decomposers in pond
5.      Draw the energy flow of grass land ecosystems.
6.      What is mean by ecological succession
7.      Differciate between food chain and food web
8.      Define ecological pyramids
9.      Define biodiversity.
10.  Define value of biodiversity.
PART B (5×13=65 marks)

11.  Write brief notes on Scope and importance of environment, need for public awareness
12.  Describe the Introduction, types, Charateristics features, structure and function of forest ecosystem.
13.  Briefly discuss about the Introduction, types, Charateristics features, structure and function of Grassland and desert ecosystem.
14.  Explain the Introduction, types, Charateristics features, structure and function of Aquatic ecosystem(Streams,lake, River, Ocean).
15.  Explain the different classification of biodiversity and value of biodiversity.                     

 PART C (1×15=15 marks)
16.  Write a detailed report about Field study of pond eco systems