GE6757 Total Quality Management
Fourth year, Department of Mechanical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1)What is mean by  TQM
 2) Mention the dimension of  product quality and service quality
 3) Define  Quality
4) Differenciate between the contribution of  juran and crosby                                                          
 5) What is mean by Quality statements
 6) Write the definition of empowerment                                        
 7) Define team and teamwork
8) What is 5S and its objectives
9)Define kaizen and its role
10)For what does PDCA cycle stands  and its uses
PART – B( 5×16=80 Marks)
Answer all questions
1.Describe the contribution of  Deming’s principles (16)
2.Describe the basic concept of TQM and its framework and its benefits and barriers. (16)
3.Define leadership and explain the characteristics of quality leaders.(16)
4.Explain detail about PDCA cycle,5S,Kaizen.(16)
5.steps for strategic quality planning.(16)