ME6005 Process planning and cost estimation
Fourth year, Department of Mechanical Engineering
First and second Units Questions

Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10×2=20 marks)
1.What are the types of process planning?
2.What is computer aided process planning?
3.What is process planning?
4.What are all the documents necessary for process planning?
5 Write types drawing interpretation?
 6. Write any properties material equipment?
7.Write are tool equipement?
8.Write are notes production equipment?
9. What is production system?
10.What are various production process?
1.Explain the two approaches commonly used in CAPP system  bringing out their advantages and limitation?(16 marks)
2.Explain  are about  drawing interpretation?
3.Explain are about material evaluation step in process selection?
4.Explain are about production equipment and tool equipment?
5.Whatis process planning? What are the activites associated with it?