ME6302 Manufacturing Technology I

Third year, Department of Mechanical Sandwich Engineering
First and second Units Questions.

Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10×2=20 marks)
1. What is meant by grain fineness number
2.Mention few applications of centrifugal casting
3.When do you make core (or) What is the function of core in moulding sand ?
4. What are the pattern material?
5. What is meant by precision investment casting?
6. Types of Allowance.
7. Define Welding process ?
8. What are the advantages of Welding?
9. What are the three type of of flame.
10. List out theatc welding equipment.
PART B – (5x16=80 marks)
11. Explain with a simple Sketch how metal is melted in a cupola furnace.
12. Enumerate the various casting defect and suggest sutable remedies.
13. (a) What are the pattern allowances? Explain briefly each
      (b) Discuss the properties of moulding sand.
14. Explain the manual arc welding process with a neat sketch .
15. (a) Explain Spot welding with neat sketch.
      (b) Explain butt welding with neat sketch.