ME6352 Manufacturing Technology
Second year, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

1. Define casting.
2. What do you mean by core print?
3. What are the different types of pattern?
4. What are the defects in casting processes?
5. Distinguish between soldering and brazing.
6. Define welding?
7. What are the advantages of submerged arc welding?
8. Define plasma arc welding?
9. What is thermit?
10.What is meant by friction welding?

Answer all questions

6.  a)  With a neat diagram ,briefly explain the Shell moulding process.                    (7)
 b) Discuss the hot chamber die casting methods in details.                                 (6)      

7.   a)   Describe briefly the technique of welding in MIG process.                            (7)
      b)   Enumerate the principle of operation, advantages and limitations of Electron beam                      welding.                                                                                                                  (6)

8.  a) Explain with neat sketch the centrifugal casting process.                                       (7)
     b) List out the various casting defect                                                                          (6)
9. Explain with neat sketch the principle of (i) oxy acetylene gas welding.
                                                                     (ii) Ultrasonic welding                                (13)
10. Explain the resistance welding process giving the equipments, parameters controlled and the applications.                                                                                                               (13)
PART - C [15 Marks]
11. What is the principle of thermit welding? Explain the same with neat sketch of the welding arrangement?                                                                                                    (15)