ME6501 Computer Aided Design
Third year, Department of Mechanical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
PART-A (10*2=10)
1.      Define sequential Engineering.
2.      Define concurrent Engineering.
3.      What is Computer Aided Design?
4.      What is Computer Graphics?
5.      What is windowing and viewport?
6.      What is meant by clipping? Explain with the help of a diagram.
7.      What is meant by homogeneous coordinate?
8.      List the advantages of computer aided design.
9.      Define product cycle
10.  What is design process in computer aided design

PART-B (5*16=80)
11.  Explain 2D and 3D transformation in computer graphics for translation, rotation
12.  Explain 2D and 3D transformation in computer graphics for scaling and reflection
13.  Explain the detail about clipping algorithm.
14.  Explain a detail about CAD system architecture.
15.  Briefly explain Line drawing with an example.