ME6504 Engineering metrology and measurement
Third year, Department of Mechanical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
                                               PART-A(10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. What is measurement? Give its types.
2. Classify measurement?
3. Classify standards?
4. Name the fundamental measuring process in measurement
5. Whatis the element of generalized measurement system?
6. What are the fundamental units?
7. Define Standard?
8. Define“precision” and “accuracy”.
9. List the various linear measurements?
10. What are the categories of S.I units?
    PART-B (5×16=80 Marks)
11.Explain the classification of various measurement methods.
12.Define error and explain the cause of those errors with suitable examples.
13. Define accuracy .Explain how the accuracy  of an  instrument can be specified?
14. Draw the block diagram of generalized measurement system and explain the different stage with    examples.
15. Explain various types of systematic and random measurement error with suitable examples.