ME6701 Power Plant Engineering
Fourth year, Department of Mechanical Sandwich Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL questions

PART A – (5×2=10 marks)
1. State important advantages of high-pressure boilers?
2. Write about Benson boiler? State some important advantages of Benson boiler?
3. Explain Reheat cycle?
4. Explain the term Regeneration?
5. Why the preparation of coal is necessary?
6. What is the use of load curves in power plants?
7. Mention any two drawbacks of a stationary gas turbine power plant for generation of electricity.   
8. What are the applications of diesel engine power plant?
9. Why is the maximum cycle temperature of gas turbine plant much lower than that of diesel power plant?
10. What are the different fields where use of diesel power plant is essential?


11.  Draw the general layout of thermal power plant and explain the working of different circuits.     (16)
12.  a) Draw an explanatory line diagram of an ash handling system employed in steam power plants and also   explain the difficulties encountered in the handling of ash in a thermal power station.        (10)
     b) Explain the difficult types of coal handling process.                                                                  (6)

13.  a) Explain the principle involved in preparation of coal and what are the methods of preparation? (10)
     b) What are the different types of dust collectors used?                                                                      (6)
14.  Explain the various draught systems with a neat sketch.                                                                              (16)
15.  Sketch the layout of diesel power plant and explain the functions of each component        (16)