ME6702 Mechatronics, Fourth year
Department of Mechanical Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
2. What are the key elements with block diagram in component of mechatronics?
3. Mention any four mechatronics system?
4. How the control system is classified?
5. Draw the basic feedback system and indicate terms associated with this black diagram?
6. Classify mechatronic system?
7. How do you define the sensor?
8. List any four applications for proximity sensor?
9. Distinguish between open and close loop control system?
10. what are the law of thermo couples ?
PART - B (5 x 16=80 Marks)
1 .Explain the element of mechatronics system with a neat sketch?
2. Define control system .explain any one method of control system.
3. Discuss how displacement is sensed by LVDT with a neat sketch show how it can be mode phase     sensitive
4 .Briefly describe the emerging areas in mechatronics ?
5. Explain the working principles of eddy current sensor with a neat sketch