MS6701 Mechatronic System Design
Fourth year, Department of Mechanical Sandwich Engineering
First and second Units Questions.
Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10×2=20 marks)
1.      What is industrial automation?
  1. What is manufacturing?
  2. What you mean by OSHA?
  3. What is mass flow production?
  4. List down uses of hydraulic system?
  5. Write down advantages of fluid system?
7.      What are the basic components of fluid system?
8.      What is single acting cylinder?
9.      What are the types of valves?
10.  What is batch production?

PART B – (5×16=80 marks)           

11.  Explain the strategies and levels of automation?  (16)
12.  Explain about AGV’s and its application? (16)
13.  What is RFID system and write about its application in Industrial Automation?(16)
14.  Explain Basic components of pneumatic system?(16)
15.  a. Explain types of automation? (8)
b. Explain types of Direction control valves? (8)