EC6011 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND COMPATIBILITY, Final year, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, First and second Units Questions.

PART A(10*2=20)
1. Define EMI.
2. What are the effects of emi?
3. What are the factors to reduce the effect of emi?
4.How many types of emi exits?
5.What is meant by LISN?
6Define the term cross talk.
7.What is meant by radiated coupling?
8. Define ground coupled interference.
9.What are the problems created in common mode impedance?
10. What are the type of radiation hazards?
PART B (16*5=80)
11.Discuss about  the sources and victim of emi (16)
12. Explain briefly about conducted and radiated emission of electro magnetic interference.(16)
13.State and explain radiation  hazards in human.(16)
14.Explain briefly in common mode impedance coupling.(16)
15.(i). Explain briefly in common mode  and differential mode  coupling (8)
      (ii).). Explain briefly inductive and capacitive coupling(8)