EC6503 Transmission Lines and Waveguides, Third year, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, First and second Units Questions.

PART A – (10 x 2 = 10 Marks)

1.      Define wavelength and velocity of wave.
2.      What is frequency distortion?
3.      Define reflection coefficient.
4.      Mention standing wave ratio in terms of the reflection coefficient.
5.      What is chacteristic impedance?
6.      Define propagation constant.
7.      What is meant by waveform distortion?
8.      Give properties of infinite line.
9.      What is phase distortion?
10.  Calculate the characteristics impedance of a transmission line if the following measurements have been made on the line Zoc = 550Û’-60oΩ and Zsc = 500Û’30oΩ.

PART B – (5 x 16= 80 Marks)
11.  Explain and derive the expression for general solution of transmission line equation.(16)
12.  a)Explain different types of loading. (8)
b) A generator of 1 V, 1000Hz supplies power to a 100 km open wire line terminated in Zo and having following parameters R= 10.4 ohm per km, g=0.8x10-6mho per km, L=0.00367 Hentry per km, C=0.00835μFperkm calculate Zo,α,β,λ,v .Also find the received power.(8)
    13. a)Explain in detail about the wave form distortion and also derive the condition for  
           distortion less line.(10)
         b) Derive the expression for input impedance of open and short circuited lines.(6)
   14. a) Discuss the various parameters of open wire and co-axial lines at radio frequency.(10)
         b)Obtain an expression for voltage and current on a dissipation less line(6)
  15. a)Derive the expression for power and impedance measurement on lines.(12)
        b) A lossless line has a characteristic impedance of 400 ohm. Determine the standing wave ratio if the receving eng impedance is 800+j0.0 ohm. (4)