EC6702 Optical Communication and Networks, Final year, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, First and second Units Questions

Part A (10X2=20 Marks)
1.      Assume that there is a glass rod of refractive index 1.5 surrounded by the air. Find the critical angle.
2.      What is mode field diameter?
3.      Write the advantages of optical fiber communication.
4.      Define intermodal dispersion.
5.      What are the factors involved in mode coupling?
6.      Define normalized frequency.
7.      Define signals attenuation of fiber loss.
8.      Define macroscopic bending loss.
9.      What is meant by material dispersion fibers?
10.  Give the expression for group delay.

PART B (16X5=80 Marks)
11.  a) Explain and detail about elements optical fiber transmission link.(12)
b) Explain skew rays.(4)
12. Explain in detail about optical fiber modes and its configuration. (16)
13 Explain in detail about mode theory of circular wave guides.(16)
14. Explain design optimization of single mode fibers.(16)
15. a) Explain polarization mode dispersion.(8)
b) A silica optical fiber with a core refractive index of 1.50 and cladding refractive index of 1.47.Determine the (i) critical angle at the core, cladding interface (ii) numerical aperture of fiber (iii) acceptance angle in air for the fiber.