GE 6351 Environmental science and Engineering, Third year, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, First and second Units Questions.

PART A(10*2=20)
1. Define Environmental science?
2. What is ecology?
3. Explain vulnerable species?
4. Enumerate the human activities which destroy the biodiversity?
5. Define photo chemical smog?
6. Define soil pollution?
7. Difference between primary and secondary air pollution with example?
8. What is PAN?
9. What is marine pollution?
10. Difference between pollution prevention and pollution control?
PART B (5*13=65)                                      
11) a) Explain the structure and function of an eco system?  (or)
    b) Explain   i)Energy flow     ii)Ecological succession
12) a) Explain the value of biodiversity?              (or)
      b) Explain threats to biodiversity?
13) a) Discuss the method of solid waste management?   (or)
      b) What is the main objectives of conservation of biodiversity ?Explain in-situ & Ex-situ conservation  
14) a) What are the sources of air pollution ?Discuss it’s control measures?          (or)
      b) Explain water pollution?
15) a)Explain i)Water quality parameter   ii)Absorption of heavy metal   (or)
      b)Explain soil pollution?
PART B (5*15=15)                                      

16) Write any two case studies for pollution                                                                            (15)