Experiments 1. I/O statements, operators, expressions 

1. a. Solving Quadratic Equation

1. b. Finding Biggest Among two Numbers using Ternary Operator

1. c. Converting Centigrade to Fahrenheit

Experiments 2. decision-making constructs: if-else, goto, switch-case, break-continue 

2. a. Checking Leap Year or Not

2. b. Biggest among two numbers using GOTO.

2. c. Simulating simple calculator.

2. d. Printing number digits.

2. e. Illustration of continue statement.

Experiments 3. Loops: for, while, do-while 

3. a. Write a C program to evaluate the series. 13+23+33+…N3

3. b. Write a C program to generate a Fibonacci series.

3. c. Write a C program to check whether given numbers is palindrome number or not.

3. d. Write a C program to print numbers using do – while loop.

Experiments 4. Arrays: 1D and 2D, Multi-dimensional arrays, traversal 

4. a. Write a C program computing mean value of N numbers.

4. b. Write a C program to add matrices.

4. c. Write a C program to multiply two matrices.

4. d. Write a C program to perform linear search.

Experiments 5. Strings: operations  

5. a. Write a C program to sort the names in alphabetical order using string function.

Experiments 6. Functions: call, return, passing parameters by (value, reference), passing arrays to function. 

6. a. Write a C program to find maximum of three number using maximum of three numbers using function.

6. b. Write a C program swapping two numbers using pass by Value.

6. c. Write a C program swapping two numbers using pass by address/ reference.

6. d. Write a C program to sort numbers in ascending order using function. 

Experiments 7. Recursion 

7. Write a C program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.

Experiments 8. Pointers: Pointers to functions, Arrays,Strings, Pointers to Pointers, Array of  Pointers 

8. a. Write a C program to calculate area of a triangle using pointers and functions.

8. b. Write a C program to finding mean of N numbers using Arrays.

Experiments 9. Structures: Nested Structures, Pointers to Structures, Arrays of Structures and Unions.  

9. a. Write C program to calculate the gross salary using structure within Structure

9. b. Write a c program to print student details using pointers to structures.

9. c. Write a C program to print the employee details using array of structures.

Experiments 10. Files: reading and writing, File pointers, file operations, random access, processor directives. 

10. a. Write a C program to read and write a file.

10. b. Write a C Program to count number of characters and number of lines in a File using file pointer.

10. c. Write a C program to one file to another.

10. d. Write a C program to read nth record in file using random access method.

10. e. Write a C program to compute of a circle using pre-processor directives.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Demonstrate knowledge on C programming constructs. 

CO2: Develop programs in C using basic constructs. 

CO3: Develop programs in C using arrays. 

CO4: Develop applications in C using strings, pointers, functions. 

CO5: Develop applications in C using structures. 

CO6: Develop applications in C using file processing.