Experiments 1. I/O statements, operators, expressions
1. a. Solving Quadratic Equation
1. b. Finding Biggest Among two Numbers using Ternary Operator
1. c. Converting Centigrade to Fahrenheit
Experiments 2. decision-making constructs: if-else, goto, switch-case, break-continue
2. a. Checking Leap Year or Not
2. b. Biggest among two numbers using GOTO.
2. c. Simulating simple calculator.
2. e. Illustration of continue statement.
Experiments 3. Loops: for, while, do-while
3. a. Write a C program to evaluate the series. 13+23+33+…N3
3. b. Write a C program to generate a Fibonacci series.
3. c. Write a C program to check whether given numbers is palindrome number or not.
3. d. Write a C program to print numbers using do – while loop.
Experiments 4. Arrays: 1D and 2D, Multi-dimensional arrays, traversal
4. a. Write a C program computing mean value of N numbers.
4. b. Write a C program to add matrices.
4. c. Write a C program to multiply two matrices.
4. d. Write a C program to perform linear search.
Experiments 5. Strings: operations
5. a. Write a C program to sort the names in alphabetical order using string function.
Experiments 6. Functions: call, return, passing parameters by (value, reference), passing arrays to function.
6. b. Write a C program swapping two numbers using pass by Value.
6. c. Write a C program swapping two numbers using pass by address/ reference.
6. d. Write a C program to sort numbers in ascending order using function.
Experiments 7. Recursion
7. Write a C program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
Experiments 8. Pointers: Pointers to functions, Arrays,Strings, Pointers to Pointers, Array of Pointers
8. a. Write a C program to calculate area of a triangle using pointers and functions.
8. b. Write a C program to finding mean of N numbers using Arrays.
Experiments 9. Structures: Nested Structures, Pointers to Structures, Arrays of Structures and Unions.
9. a. Write C program to calculate the gross salary using structure within Structure
9. b. Write a c program to print student details using pointers to structures.
9. c. Write a C program to print the employee details using array of structures.
Experiments 10. Files: reading and writing, File pointers, file operations, random access, processor directives.
10. a. Write a C program to read and write a file.
10. c. Write a C program to one file to another.
10. d. Write a C program to read nth record in file using random access method.
10. e. Write a C program to compute of a circle using pre-processor directives.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Demonstrate knowledge on C programming constructs.
CO2: Develop programs in C using basic constructs.
CO3: Develop programs in C using arrays.
CO4: Develop applications in C using strings, pointers, functions.
CO5: Develop applications in C using structures.
CO6: Develop applications in C using file processing.